A thought provoking Artist Parent interview @artist_parent with Luke Skiffington @luke_skiffington @50__mv, an artist from Liverpool.
Tell us about yourself?
I’m a dad to two and artist based in Liverpool, where I have a studio and run 50MV (an intermittent art space). I’ve exhibited, organised shows for about twenty five years and my work is part of collections in the UK and abroad. Recent works adapt stills from early (1974) CGI animations as a starting point for what I call ‘composites’. Combining painted panels to suggest abbreviated bodies, these works are often free-standing (in a sculptural sense). Another group of work includes wall drawings and paintings recalling screens or windows. I studied art at Goldsmiths (University of London) in the late 90’s and did an MA at Chelsea School of Art in 2004. More recently, I’ve taught art in different capacities, including online tutorials, workshops and running courses for adults.
How has being a parent had a positive impact on your artistic practice?
It might be a cliche, but being a parent forces you to question your own beliefs and hang-ups which is probably a positive thing? I’ve become more inventive & efficient with how I use my time and on a good day, I care a little less about the wider art world, whatever that is?
What are the challenges you have faced in your artistic practice being a parent?
It’s hard to always be present and engaged, the art world is such a socially driven place- sometimes the energy is hard to summon! Switching between roles and different head spaces can be challenging…balancing family with work, studio time etc.
Any advice for other Artist Parents and how they can continue to nurture their practice?
Only the obvious…keep making, even it’s in a reduced way-studio time is definitely to be cherished. Cut yourself some slack & try to drown out the noise. All easier said than done but that's what I tell myself. Kids are young for such a short time relatively but you can make art for a lifetime...hopefully.
Is there anything else you would like to say, share or promote?
More exhibitions are being planned at 50MV including some offsite shows. We’re rounding off 2024 with Paper Cuts 2. I’lm working towards a number of solo projects which I can chat about soon...
In many ways, the world feels dark right now, but having kids & making art are both intense creative acts, leaps of faith for the future maybe?
Thank you to Luke for sharing his story and thank you for reading. If you would like to read more stories or for your work to be shared then follow and tag @artist_parent on Instragam.
Uploaded 12th December 2024