A wonderful Artist Parent interview with Lindsey Bull @lindseybullartist, an artist from Manchester, UK.
Tell us about yourself?
I’m an artist who makes figurative paintings. I live and work in Manchester with my partner and two children. I am represented by Bo Lee and Workman gallery, Bruton, Somerset. My work has been shown nationally and internationally, as well as included in public and private collections.
How has being a parent had a positive impact on your artistic practice?
When my first child was born, I was desperate to get back into the studio as soon as possible. I managed a few hours here and there between feeds and naps. Instead of feeling guilt, I felt so happy because I was doing what I loved and coming back to the most amazing gift, my beautiful baby. I'm not saying it was easy, but I learnt to be very productive in 3 hours (or less!). I remember saying to a friend at the time, that becoming a parent has made me a better artist because it gave me a drive to be the best artist I could be for my children.
What are the challenges you have faced in your artistic practice being a parent?
Time and energy are the biggest challenges. However, I have found ways of being productive within a shorter timeframe. In fact, I find a school-day timeframe to be advantageous for my practice. In my experience parents are often the most productive artists. As they understand the preciousness of child-free time. Other barriers are residencies; I cannot apply to many of them because they are not flexible with timeframes or bringing children with you. I managed to do a 1 month residency in Italy at Palazzo Monti earlier this year. It was not easy being away from the children for that time but I was determined to do it. Having that time to focus on my practice was a huge luxury that I am very thankful for.
Any advice for other Artist Parents and how they can continue to nurture their practice?
A supportive partner that has a flexible job helps greatly! See the big picture and even if you are tired and frustrated when the children are small, it will eventually change and you will get more time one day. Keep making work whilst the children are small and never give up!
Is there anything else you would like to say, share or promote?
In early Summer 2025 I will be having my next solo exhibition with Bo Lee and Workman. My gallery is run by two women who are also parents!
Thank you to Lindsey for sharing her story and thank you for reading. If you would like to read more stories or for your work to be shared then follow and tag @artist_parent on Instragam.
Uploaded 27th November 2024